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"Finally - our retirement planning is complete ! Not an easy conversation at first. Truth be told a conversation our family probably would have avoided. Now my wife and I, and our children, have the confidence and peace of mind to enjoy life."

 The time, as a family, to plan for the end of retirement is at the beginning of retirement when TIME AND GOOD HEALTH ARE ON YOUR SIDE. Retirement life is divided into two parts, Independent and Supported Retirement Life. Supported Retirement Life requires parents and their children to team together. This will have financial and emotional impacts for both parents and children. There is a lot to talk about. But we don't. A research study by Age Wave and Genworth Financial shows that only 1 out of 10 families even talk about Supported Retirement Life much less plan. (Study Here) Early planning will - save your family money - use your resources and assets efficiently- define quality of life for both parents and children- address any long held family conflicts- organize financial, legal, and medical records- allow wishes, wants, and needs to be clearly expressed - work productively with your advisor team - and bring to your family peace of mind.

No family wants to have this talk ........ but you must.

The family converstion is the essential foundation of a Retirement Care Plan. The planning process consists of three steps: a meeting with parents, a meeting with adult children, then a combined discussion. Your family is unique and so is your Retirement Care Plan. However, there are some basics that all families need to address. I have researched quality and trusted information from sources such as the American Bar Association, AICPA, AARP, university studies, and goverment information to provide education and guidance. There is a lot to talk about.

Boomer parents

Retirement is one of life's milestone events and a time for thought. What is important to you? How do you want to live these days? What are your needs and wishes? What about money? Do your children understand your expectations? Is the family in harmony? Are you at peace with aging and the possible need for support? A Retirement Care Plan will help you address these important concerns.



Sons and Daughters

Your parents retirement is a must life and financial planning opportunity. You have your own life with children, career, and retirement to plan for. But what about Mom and Dad? Do you need to include your parents retirement into your retirement planning? The answer is yes. Ninety percent of parental support is unpaid and provided by guess who --- YOU. How do you juggle your family and parents? What effect will caregving have on your job and career? Can you afford to leave your job to support Mom and Dad? Is the duty of caregiving going to fall to only one of you? As a daughter is it expected that you are the family caregiver? Do you and your siblings get along well? Talk and plan now before a crisis while time is your friend. Retirement Care Planning helps you and your parents plan together.

Your Retirement Care Planning team

Retirement Care Planning requires a team of professional advisors. Expertise in financial planning, investment and insurance planning, elder law, estate planning, CPA/tax planning and physician counseling is essential. The goal of family centered Retirement Care Planning is to help your family embrace the reality of aging to allow you and your advisor team to make the best possible decisions.

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