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Let's talk


Your retirement planning is not complete until you and your family address the "supported" period of retirement life. The essential first step is to talk about it. The time to talk about it is now, before a crisis forces hurried and ill informed decisions.
It is always my pleasure to make new friends. Let's meet and share ideas and concerns. There is no cost or obligation. I look forward to our conversation.
Jim Hale
Do you need a program or speaker for your Church, civic club, or community organization?
Ladies - This is the critical issue of your time. I have a message every women's group must hear and embrace.
Employers - Aging America will impact your business. Many of your employees will become caregivers. Productivity will suffer and some may have to reduce hours or leave your business to take care of Mom. Let's develop a program to relieve employee stress and support your valuable employee team members.
Please contact me today! Lots to talk about .....






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